Scar Treatment

Scars appear as discoloration, a raised or recessed surface, or an uneven skin texture. Sometimes scars may even interrupt the normal range of motion and cause discomfort. Bear in mind that while scars may be minimized and faded by surgery and other cosmetic treatments including laser therapy, they can never be completely eliminated.



Some scars are minor and can be easily improved with cosmetic procedures. These types of scars include those from acne, as well as from surgical incisions. They do not challenge the functioning of the body, but rather are removed for aesthetic reasons.


Moderate to severe acne is one of the most common causes of facial scarring. As the body works to heal itself after repeated breakouts, it forms new collagen fibers; however, this natural reparation process is not always perfect. Most commonly, pitted acne scars result when tissue is damaged and not enough collagen is produced.


Acne scarring can happen to anyone. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to severe acne caused by changing hormones, genetics and hygiene habits. As they leave puberty and their skin starts to clear up, they can often be left with damaged skin due to repeated breakouts.

Ozone oxygenates the blood and skin and can help break down the fibrous tissue. PRP helps the body produce collagen and regrow cells in the area of the injury.

Utilizing PRP Procedures, involve taking the patient's blood and then putting it into a centrifuge. PRP are what the body naturally uses to heal itself through the clotting cascade. Since we are using the patient's own blood, there is no risk of adverse side effects. When platelets are injected into various parts of the body, it signals to the body to start producing collagen and re-grow cells.

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